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Hire Talent Solutions


Stakeholder agreement on what ‘good’ looks like for a role is essential to selecting the right people. Our profiling tools enable those involved in the hiring process to:

  • identify behaviours most predictive of performance and potential
  • gather different stakeholder perspectives on what is important to the role
  • articulate requirements objectively for fair and standardised benchmarking


Identifying motives (what an individual enjoys doing), talents (what they are good at doing) and culture-fit (where they will thrive) are essential to good hiring decisions. The unique Wave deep-dives allow clients to:

  • differentiate between high-calibre candidates with in-depth reporting
  • reduce the risk of bad hiring decisions
  • increase the calibre of shortlisted candidates


Often the first contact an employee has with an organisation is the recruitment process. The technology, branding, messaging and assessment experience shapes the perception that successful and unsuccessful candidates have of your organisation. Our volume screening solutions:

  • provide an engaging candidate experience
  • empower recruiters to make quick decisions based on valid data
  • streamline the assessment process for candidates and recruiters with short completion times, automation and dashboard scoring options


Organisations are adopting increasingly flexible approaches to recruitment. Individuals outside the recruitment team are taking on more responsibility for the hiring process and decisions. Our suite of accessible solutions includes:

  • easy-to-use Interview Guides
  • Line-Manager-friendly onboarding reports
  • tools to help support Line Managers with selection decisions


The competition for the best graduates is becoming fierce. With graduates having their pick from a range of employers, it’s never been more important to have a valid, fair and effective way of screening your applicants and selecting the best talent. Our graduate solutions;

  • feature shortened assessment time with work relevant content
  • are an end-to-end solution from screening, shortlisting, interviewing and onboarding
  • provide a positive candidate experience with only two questionnaires (behavioural & cognitive) required to gain an in-depth and holistic view of the applicant